
Policy Free

Is it my imagination or political parties both south and now seemingly north of the border adopted the same, one policy, that of being otherwise policy free? At a time when there, because of the over-riding necessity of combatting COVID, a task in truth only possible to be done by others than politicians, has been time for the same to do a little matching of principles with ideals and ideas of practical implication the reality has been virtually zero. Where, given the the obvious pressures that COVID and its legacy have created, is new thinking and the plans to see it in place. Out of the Second World War came the Welfare State. Where is not just the post-COVID equivalent but who is even going to going to think it.

And to back up my view, let's have a wee look at what there is. South of the border I struggle to identify any party with a "stich", except, of course, the Conservatives, where it is the return of a modernised Mercantile Capitalism and personally trough-ing as much as possible from the carnage that it produces. Revenue, for the Inland Revenue is perhaps more truly named than ever was, is extracted from or denied the least able to afford it and then spent twice, or rather the general public is hood-winked into believing it has been spent once before it actually is on something entirely different. Meanwhile the Labour Party looks the the other way from most everything it has stood for in the past, namely the improvement of working-class lives, and the Liberal Party is two-way translucent.            

However, as much as I think England is "lovely in all ways" my real interest lies firmly north of the border.         

Note: All work on this site is designed to expand "organically". In others work I'll get things done, I hope, just as soon as I have a moment and can get round to it.  

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